package com.sromku.simple.fb.entities; import; import; import java.util.List; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor; import android.os.Parcelable; import com.facebook.model.GraphObject; import com.sromku.simple.fb.Permission; import com.sromku.simple.fb.utils.GraphPath; import com.sromku.simple.fb.utils.Logger; import com.sromku.simple.fb.utils.Utils; import com.sromku.simple.fb.utils.Utils.Converter; /** * @author sromku * @see */ public class Photo implements Publishable { private static final String ID = "id"; private static final String ALBUM = "album"; private static final String BACKDATED_TIME = "backdated_time"; private static final String BACKDATED_TIME_GRANULARITY = "backdate_time_granularity"; private static final String CREATED_TIME = "created_time"; private static final String FROM = "from"; private static final String HEIGHT = "height"; private static final String ICON = "icon"; private static final String IMAGES = "images"; private static final String LINK = "link"; private static final String PAGE_STORY_ID = "page_story_id"; private static final String PICTURE = "picture"; private static final String PLACE = "place"; private static final String SOURCE = "source"; private static final String UPDATED_TIME = "updated_time"; private static final String WIDTH = "width"; private static final String NAME = "name"; private static final String MESSAGE = "message"; // same as NAME private static final String PRIVACY = "privacy"; private String mId; private Album mAlbum; private Long mBackDatetime; private BackDatetimeGranularity mBackDatetimeGranularity; private Long mCreatedTime; private User mFrom; private Integer mHeight; private String mIcon; private List<ImageSource> mImageSources; private String mLink; private String mName; private String mPageStoryId; private String mPicture; private String mSource; private Long mUpdatedTime; private Integer mWidth; private Place mPlace; private String mPlaceId = null; private Parcelable mParcelable = null; private byte[] mBytes = null; private Privacy mPrivacy = null; private Photo(GraphObject graphObject) { if (graphObject == null) return; // id mId = Utils.getPropertyString(graphObject, ID); // album mAlbum = Album.create(graphObject.getPropertyAs(ALBUM, GraphObject.class)); // back date time mBackDatetime = Utils.getPropertyLong(graphObject, BACKDATED_TIME); // back date time granularity String granularity = Utils.getPropertyString(graphObject, BACKDATED_TIME_GRANULARITY); mBackDatetimeGranularity = BackDatetimeGranularity.fromValue(granularity); // created time mCreatedTime = Utils.getPropertyLong(graphObject, CREATED_TIME); // from mFrom = Utils.createUser(graphObject, FROM); // height mHeight = Utils.getPropertyInteger(graphObject, HEIGHT); // icon mIcon = Utils.getPropertyString(graphObject, ICON); // image sources mImageSources = Utils.createList(graphObject, IMAGES, new Converter<ImageSource>() { @Override public ImageSource convert(GraphObject graphObject) { ImageSource imageSource = new ImageSource(); imageSource.mHeight = Utils.getPropertyInteger(graphObject, HEIGHT); imageSource.mWidth = Utils.getPropertyInteger(graphObject, WIDTH); imageSource.mSource = Utils.getPropertyString(graphObject, SOURCE); return imageSource; } }); // link mLink = Utils.getPropertyString(graphObject, LINK); // name mName = Utils.getPropertyString(graphObject, NAME); // page story id mPageStoryId = Utils.getPropertyString(graphObject, PAGE_STORY_ID); // picture mPicture = Utils.getPropertyString(graphObject, PICTURE); // source mSource = Utils.getPropertyString(graphObject, SOURCE); // updated time mUpdatedTime = Utils.getPropertyLong(graphObject, UPDATED_TIME); // width mWidth = Utils.getPropertyInteger(graphObject, WIDTH); // place mPlace = Place.create(graphObject.getPropertyAs(PLACE, GraphObject.class)); } private Photo(Builder builder) { mName = builder.mName; mPlaceId = builder.mPlaceId; mParcelable = builder.mParcelable; mBytes = builder.mBytes; mPrivacy = builder.mPrivacy; } public static Photo create(GraphObject graphObject) { return new Photo(graphObject); } @Override public String getPath() { return GraphPath.PHOTOS; } @Override public Permission getPermission() { return Permission.PUBLISH_STREAM; } /** * Get id of the photo * * @return */ public String getId() { return mId; } public Album getAlbum() { return mAlbum; } public Long getBackDateTime() { return mBackDatetime; } public BackDatetimeGranularity getBackDatetimeGranularity() { return mBackDatetimeGranularity; } public Long getCreatedTime() { return mCreatedTime; } public User getFrom() { return mFrom; } public Integer getHeight() { return mHeight; } public String getIcon() { return mIcon; } public List<ImageSource> getImageSources() { return mImageSources; } public String getLink() { return mLink; } public String getName() { return mName; } public String getPageStoryId() { return mPageStoryId; } public String getPicture() { return mPicture; } public Place getPlace() { return mPlace; } public String getSource() { return mSource; } public Long getUpdatedTime() { return mUpdatedTime; } public Integer getWidth() { return mWidth; } public Bundle getBundle() { Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); // add description if (mName != null) { bundle.putString(MESSAGE, mName); } // add place if (mPlaceId != null) { bundle.putString(PLACE, mPlaceId); } // add privacy if (mPrivacy != null) { bundle.putString(PRIVACY, mPrivacy.getJSONString()); } // add image if (mParcelable != null) { bundle.putParcelable(PICTURE, mParcelable); } else if (mBytes != null) { bundle.putByteArray(PICTURE, mBytes); } return bundle; } public enum BackDatetimeGranularity { YEAR("year"), MONTH("month"), DAY("day"), HOUR("hour"), MIN("min"), NONE("none"); private String mValue; private BackDatetimeGranularity(String value) { mValue = value; } public String getValue() { return mValue; } public static BackDatetimeGranularity fromValue(String value) { for (BackDatetimeGranularity granularityEnum : values()) { if (granularityEnum.mValue.equals(value)) { return granularityEnum; } } return BackDatetimeGranularity.NONE; } } public static class ImageSource { private Integer mHeight; private String mSource; private Integer mWidth; public Integer getHeight() { return mHeight; } public Integer getWidth() { return mWidth; } public String getSource() { return mSource; } } /** * Builder for preparing the Photo object to be published. */ public static class Builder { private String mName = null; private String mPlaceId = null; private Parcelable mParcelable = null; private byte[] mBytes = null; private Privacy mPrivacy = null; public Builder() { } /** * Set photo to be published * * @param bitmap */ public Builder setImage(Bitmap bitmap) { mParcelable = bitmap; return this; } /** * Set photo to be published * * @param file */ public Builder setImage(File file) { try { mParcelable =, ParcelFileDescriptor.MODE_READ_ONLY); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { Logger.logError(Photo.class, "Failed to create photo from file", e); } return this; } /** * Set photo to be published * * @param bytes */ public Builder setImage(byte[] bytes) { mBytes = bytes; return this; } /** * Add name/description to the photo * * @param name * The name/description of the photo */ public Builder setName(String name) { mName = name; return this; } /** * Add place id of the photo * * @param placeId * The place id of the photo */ public Builder setPlace(String placeId) { mPlaceId = placeId; return this; } /** * Add privacy setting to the photo * * @param privacy * The privacy setting of the photo * @see com.sromku.simple.fb.entities.Privacy */ public Builder setPrivacy(Privacy privacy) { mPrivacy = privacy; return this; } public Photo build() { return new Photo(this); } } }